Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Rubbish.

Two posts in one day. I'm on a roll. This one will be extremely brief, I promise.

1. Today I went to moo-moo's, which is a milkshake stand within the Covered Market that sells over 200 varieties of milkshake and smoothie. I enjoyed a Ferrero Rocher milkshake this morning, and plan on indulging in a chocolate hobknob milkshake when my flatmate and I return later this afternoon. Two milkshakes in one day. Ah, bliss.
For your perusal: http://www.moo-moos.co.uk/index.htm

2. Sunday morning, my flatmates and I attended chapel at Magdalen. And it. Was. Beautiful. The choir, composed of about fifteen little boys and fifteen men from the college, created perhaps the most breathtaking music I have ever heard. Their rendition of Kyrie, with its haunting melody and dissonant harmony, literally brought me to tears. I don't know why I haven't gone more often. Will certainly be attending Evensong this Thursday.

3. As a result of the perpetually cloudy skies over my head and the winter clothing covering every inch of my flesh, my skin has turned the color of cream. Striking difference from the tan I've had for two years as a result of going to college in warm, sunny Florida. My tan lines have all disappeared, something I never thought would happen. Completely random and very superficial, but it was something I've noticed.

4. I did, however, luxuriate in the sunshine yesterday. It was about 50 degrees outside, with refreshingly sunny skies. I was at the library, had about twenty minutes until I had to leave for my service site, went up on the roof (where people often sit and chat, eat and smoke) to a little alcove, removed my woolen coat, and basked in the sunshine. It was divine.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, no more tan for you, haha!!!
    I am once again tanner than Maria.
