Thursday, March 11, 2010


At approximately 3:50 this afternoon, I completed my term at Oxford University.

I can't even describe the feeling. For the last five minutes or so my tutor and I discussed my work, what I've learned, the term in general. I told him about the things that really stood out in my memory (which I will discuss here later), how some of the things have affected my thinking about the world and my future, how I've been writing about them (journal entries, conversations with friends, blogs, etc.) ... at which point he exclaimed, "You've had time? Even with writing this much? I never wrote this much as an undergrad." At which point I wanted to smack him and ask why he made me do it. Anyway.

I have to say, it was totally worth it. I have learned so much, thought so much, read so much, written so much, grown so much. I have been pushed beyond my limits, had a few panic attacks (a new experience for me), been more frustrated with my academic life than ever before.

But I've come out the other end, absolutely exhausted, better for the experience.

Hopefully I'll have some time to blog tomorrow, but it's going to be a rather busy day - preparing for the travels. Deep breaths. I'll be keeping a journal of sorts while traveling, so I'll transfer some of that over to here once I'm in front of a computer again (which might not be for the next two weeks or so. But we'll see).

I can think of no other way to end this blog than this: :D

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