Friday, December 18, 2009


I must be getting excited about Oxford, as I've begun to have nightmares about it (missing my plane, making a phone call with my cell phone and getting a bill for $10,000,000, missing check-in time, etc.).

On another note, for anyone considering going abroad, there is a TON of paperwork involved. It's a little absurd. You have been warned.

Interesting fact of the day:
In England, they call the crossing guard the "lollypop man." Isn't that fabulous?

(Side note: I hope that I write as often while I'm actually abroad as when I'm in the USA. Three entries in a week - sheesh! I refuse to write any more until I'm actually over there.)

Monday, December 14, 2009


So, I'm packing for my flight up to Connecticut (which entails bringing everything that I'll need for Oxford plus some room for new clothes and souvenirs I will inevitably purchase). I have so much ... stuff. I'm trying to keep it down to the bare minimum - only essentials - but, what is essential? Should I bring one towel or two? My mug for tea, of course, but should I bring the smaller teacups for my flatmates and I to share and bond over? Will I need an iron? How many pairs of shoes? Will it get warmer as the months go by? What if I fly down to Italy for Easter in April - will it be warm? I have no way of knowing.

Then, there are all the things I'm leaving behind at my dad's house - mementos, dinnerware, clothes, ironing board. Will I need these things? Will I have enough money to purchase them if I do end up needing them? Will I have enough money to purchase the things that I know I will need (a winter coat, for example, and a pair of boots)?

My suitcase is stuffed to the brim, and I've filled about 75% of my duffel bag. That duffel bag has been everywhere with me - Los Angeles, New York, Florida, Canada, Washington, D.C., Panama, Jamaica, and now to Europe. Or not. Should I buy a more chic travel bag, or will the duffel bag be sufficient?

So many questions, and absolutely no way of knowing.

I suppose I'll have to get used to that. They say that that's what study abroad is about - learning to be flexible, not knowing exactly what's going to happen. I've never been good at dealing with uncertainty, or being flexible for that matter. Perhaps that's the lesson I am to learn through this experience. Perhaps not.

We shall see!

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is a First...

I have just moved out of my dorm at Stetson University. Still working on finals (one last paper!), but all the while my excitement for the next semester is growing.

I'm a little sad (I'll miss everyone). I'm a little nervous (I'll be completely and utterly independent for the first time).

More than anything, I'm excited.

Within this blog, I will delineate my experiences with friends, professors, culture, service, travel. I solemnly swear to update it regularly (at least once a week - well, that's my goal. Knowing me, it'll probably be more like every other week or twice during the semester. But I won't let that happen - promise!).

I leave in less than a month.

Europe, watch out!